Wednesday, February 24, 2010

3 years old

Well, I know what ya'll are thinking....she QUIT THE BLOG TOO! ALAS, I am here blogging. Its been a rough little while for us full of ruptured ear drums (Elijah), fever and coughing (Parker) and cross-countrys (Stephen). Those were the bad things that I won't blog about. The good things are that I finished 2 pillowcases thus far in my sewing adventures and let me just tell you, when you have a 3 year old and almost 2 year old, its nearly impossible to sew. The few times i've done it at home was when I was in the mindset of, "i'll never be able to have a hobby and live in a clean house, so oh well, the house goes today". So basically I have sewn a few things and then missed 2 sewing classes in a row because Stephen went Cross-Country and my babysitter flew to New Mexico to see her grandmother, and then for Parker's 3rd birthday.

Parker, my very organized, smart, adorable first born turned 3. I shed a few tears and felt a little depressed. I did not, however, get baby fever. When my boys, who are 15 months apart, are both sick at the same time, I tend to leap right over baby-fever straight to longing for days when they are too big to hold...and then of course I slap myself for even thinking such things because I want to hold them everyday until I die. Oh man, I just realized what a trail I went on...whoa! Yea, so back to Parker's birthday. Well, it was a roller coaster. We went to the doctor on the eve of his birthday, it was an event for the whole family. Yep, even Stephen went, he in fact took leave so he could be a part of the doctor visit. Parker was supposed to get the MMR and frankly if he cries and says no, i'm like, "Ok, lets not do it today", partly because I don't want him to feel pain and partly because the MMR freaks me out. So Daddy came to be the one to say, "its ok, you can do this", to me of course, as they torture my poor baby. But no shot this time, I actually breathed a sigh of relief, he had a cough and I have a strict rule that my children get no shots when they are the least bit sick, it really cuts down on me having to be brave and endure those horrible things.

After the doctor's visit we went to Jackson to have his party at my parent's house. It was a party but he was missing his best friend and cousin Olivia who had the flu and his older cousins Noah, and Luke, who he thinks are awesome and play with him and give him things. It seemed that my entire family had come down with some sort of crud and just spread it around to each other. He still had a great time though and got way too much stuff like always. We had a Madagascar theme and it turned out really cute and I was really proud of the cake my mom and I did. We are an awesome team.

Now, post 3rd birthday, I find myself signing up for T-ball, flag football and preschool, all of which gives me excitment and makes me want to cry. I can't believe that these 3 years have just zoomed right on by and I have this tall skinny kid (not baby) to show for it, along with a lesser in stature rugrat. My cup overflows......

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