Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My Baby is 3!

Well it happened a few weeks ago but we are busy getting ready to move and trying to offload this house to anyone who is willing to buy/rent/lease basically just pay the mortgage! But yes, in the middle of the chaos, Elijah turned 3 years old. I cry just thinking that my baby is 3 years old. He is such a joy and always adds entertainment to anything he is a part of. He lights up my life and fills my heart every single day with pride and laughter.

Elijah in pictures

All of that dark hair! I just couldn't believe it!

Then 1 year later, he's as blonde as can be!

His second birthday begins his love of Cowboy stuff.

And blossoms into ANYTHING pretend including "SCUBA GEAR"

Now he is 3 and Iron Man, goodness they grow up too fast.